
The Magic Ingredient:Argan oil Will Take Your Beauty Routine To The Next Level

Argan oil Will Take Your Beauty Routine To The Next Level

When you read about beauty routine in this space, it’s usually means Argan oil will take you to the next level.While healthier choices are obviously SO important—let’s be honest, you have probably already made the switch to clean skin care and are likely looking for new products to add into your routine.

argan oil of morocco

natural organic argan oil

While the products you’ve been using may be working exactly as they promised, there’s nothing wrong with pick-me-ups to take your beauty ritual to the next level. Lucky for your skin, it’s actually really important to try different ingredients that suit your skin type for new alternatives that aren’t only simple to use but (maybe) better.

Skin ingredients are just like food ingredients, and your body will respond much better to some over others.

First off, sourcing is everything for skin care ingredients (just like it is for food). Make sure your favorite brand has a good handle on the quality of ingredients in their products. Two products could have the exact same ingredients but at much different qualities, depending on their sources. Think of your olive oil: The unrefined extra-virgin stuff is darker, thicker, tastier, and healthier than the clear, tasteless, processed stuff. It has way less nutritional value too … same thing goes for processed skin care ingredients!

pure argan oil from morocco

pure argan oil from morocco

Another way skin care is like food: your skin will have an easier time processing (kind of like digesting) certain ingredients, and therefore could look much better, clearer, and glow-ier with ingredients it “likes.”

I generally recommend trying all the different healthy ingredients and products for your skin type, and then sticking with whatever it “likes” best.

If you’ve been stuck in a rut with your products and ingredients, here are some ideas to get started:



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