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Hair Care:Say a little prayer for you

Say a little prayer for you

The moment you wake up and definitely before you put on your make up, what do you?…you check your hair! Your cloak of comfort, your armor of bravery, your existentialism of character, thy hair, will it redeem you or forsake you at your time of need. You are kind to it, for you will condition it, oil it, shampoo it and indulge in every method of hair care available so that the flicks flick in the right places, the curls bounce admiringly, the frizz is delightful, making you supermodel worthy. But this is not always guaranteed, for this you say a little prayer.

  1. Please shine bright…and if possible like a diamond:

To have shiny waves of gorgeous beauty trailing behind you is every woman’s dream. A beauty like no other, the distant admirer will indeed be entranced, shiny hair is happy hair, for the self and all.

  1. Please grant my hair, vibrancy and vitality:

Healthy and alluring hair is sometimes the only accessory you need to look good. We change diets, hydrate and become guinea pigs to various hair concoctions.

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  1. Please enlighten us with the right style:

We are constantly searching for the right hair style to suit our face, for if we get it wrong it would only mean heartbreak for thee. Rolling with the current trends, we hope and pray that our hair style chosen will uplift and exhalt us.

  1. Please color my life with happiness:

Please pray that you are exempt from becoming the tragic lead in your own hair dye horror story. If one must color, then let us guided, we pray.

Your hair, unlike any other body part, has a personality all of its own, but have faith, your hair prayers will be answered .

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